

Terms 1 and 4. Local, regional, national and international competition. Junior social play Monday night at Trustpower Arena from 4.30-8.00pm, Junior competitive play Tuesday 4.30-8.30pm and Seniors Thursday 5.30-9.30pm in local competition at Trustpower Arena (Baypark). Competitive teams play on weekends for BOPSS Champs. Juniors Term 4, Seniors Term 1.

TRAINING:  Training is dependent on the team you are in. Generally, senior and junior competitive is before and after school, and social teams and junior teams are during the lunch hour. All year 9 teams will train on Tuesday at lunchtime.

Local competition is at QEYC 11th Ave or Trustpower Arena. Regional is Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Rotorua, Whakatane.

UNIFORM: Year 9 and 10 junior teams and social teams wear Physical Education uniform. Regional competitive teams will be supplied with a playing strip. Shorts will be PE shorts. Competitive teams will also have a gear bag and tracksuit supplied.

Provided by the school. Personal equipment you may like to consider if in competitive teams, is a pair of volleyball-specific footwear.

COSTS:  $120 registration fee 
For Term 1 and Term 4 competitions. This fee covers local competition fees, VNZ registration and additional equipment.
Competitive teams have extra costs associated with regional and national tournaments. For Juniors it is normally $400-$500 and Seniors $500-$600 for the week at tournament.

Mr Darrell Boyd  [email protected]